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Temperature Scanner for Office of KYDMM Sultan Pahang 2020 Complete Solution

Client : | Project Date : 27-Jul-2024

Thank you for purchasing our Temperature Scanner Solutions

Temperature Scanner Solution

Our temperature scanner is Linux-based, super fast infrared temperature measurement detector with built-in face recognition camera module, capable of personnel access management. It can be used with access gates and attendance for communities, office buildings, schools, hotels, scenic spots, transportation hubs, and other public service places.

Project Background : Supply and Commissioning of Automatic Temperature Scanner. Item Supplied are 2 unit of ARV FS01 with high floor stand and face recognition software.

Client : The office of KDYMM Sultan of Pahang as the main function in carrying out all affairs of KDYMM Sultan of Pahang as the Ruler of the State of Pahang Darul Makmur and his subordinate colonies. The objective is to be responsible in all matters relating to His Majesty the Sultan of Pahang whether official or informal matters in accordance with his position as Sultan and Ruler of the State of Pahang and his subordinate colonies which rule in accordance with the laws of the Pahang government.


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