We offer integrated meeting room booking system with powerful software and hardware, high-quality and elegant interactive IPS LCD Panel. It allows easy scheduling of office spaces and meeting rooms. It shows real-time schedules display, providing workplace insights and integrated with existing work calendars such as Google Calendar, Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft 365 Calendar.
Contact us for a demo, you will not be disappointed in regards to price and functionality. We offer competitive lifetime pricing. Why pay every month when you can only once at an affordable price?
Visit us at https://www.israk.my/meeting-room-booking-system for more information.
About Us
Israk Solutions Sdn. Bhd. is leading Professional Audio-Visual & ICT Solutions in Malaysia with over 10 years of continuous business and experience. Our solutions include Digital Signage, Kiosk, LED Display, Interactive Smartboard, Temperature Scanner, Touchscreen & Videowall Solutions.
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