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Interactive Smartboard for Institut Penilaian Negara (INSPEN) 2020 Complete Solution

Client : INSPEN | Project Date : 01-Dec-2022

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Institut Penilaian Negara (INSPEN) for choosing us to provide them with an Interactive Smartboard Solution for their organization. As a premier training and education center in the field of real estate, INSPEN is committed to enhancing the knowledge and skills of the workforce to meet new challenges and adapt to change. We are delighted to have played a part in fulfilling their commitment to providing timely, effective, and reliable property appraisal and services.

The Interactive Smartboard ARv100-86 with a portable TV stand that we supplied and commissioned is an all-in-one solution with built-in Android and Windows with i5, 8GB RAM, and 256GB SSD. With its touch capability and integrated software, the Smartboard offers multi-drawing capabilities, enabling up to 20 touch points. This solution is an ideal fit for an organization like INSPEN, where the focus is on providing quality education and training.

We are pleased to have provided a solution that meets the needs of INSPEN, and we are confident that our Interactive Smartboard Solution will provide them with a more intuitive, effortless, and smart presentation experience. We hope that our solution has contributed to their goals and objectives in enhancing the knowledge and skills of their workforce in the field of real estate.

Once again, we would like to thank INSPEN for their trust and confidence in us. We look forward to serving them and other clients in the future. It has been a pleasure to work with such a prestigious organization, and we are grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of their success.


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About Our Solution

The Arvia Interactive Smartboard is a revolutionary interactive display solution that transforms the way people present and collaborate in various settings. Available in several sizes, including 65, 75, 86, and 98 inches, it’s an ideal solution for any environment.

The Smartboard is equipped with advanced touch zero bonding technology, 4K resolution display, anti-glare coating, and an integrated sound system that ensures a seamless and intuitive experience. One of the key features of the Smartboard is its built-in wireless presentation system, which allows up to 9 devices to connect simultaneously, making it easier for users to share content and collaborate seamlessly.

In addition to its built-in features, the Arvia Interactive Smartboard is also compatible with a range of third-party applications, including Microsoft Office, Google Suite, and more. It’s a sustainable solution built using high-quality materials that are designed to last, providing long-term value.

Whether you’re a teacher, business professional, or anyone who needs to present and collaborate effectively, the Arvia Interactive Smartboard is a game-changing solution that’s sure to meet your needs. Our team of experts works closely with you to understand your objectives and goals, enabling us to design and implement Arvia Interactive Smartboard solutions that effectively support your needs.