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Live Streaming Prime Minister Department

A succesful #livestreaming was conducted during monthly Assembly for Implementation and Coordination Unit ( ICU), Prime Minister Department (Jabatan Perdana Menteri) on Aug 19 2011. ICU who has been doing live streaming of event has upgraded their live encoder and choose IsrakStream HD Live Encorder. Multi-Camera Production (MCP with 3 High Definition Professional Camcorders) was handled by highly qualified internal staff using some of the best equipment such as Panasonic P2 High Definition Professional Camcorder, and Sony Anycast Switcher.

We received a favorable feedback that the video quality is much improved since the previous live streaming, which was being viewed via their official website from 16 locations around Malaysia. The quality however is expected to be much better when the broadcast will be in high defination HD live streaming where all equipments are HD with HD-SDI cabling system.

Well done, all ICU Media team and Israk Team

For more info, please visit our official website : https://www.israk.my/