The Rise and Evolution of Temperature Scanners During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic brought about unprecedented changes in our daily lives. Among the most vivid of these changes was the widespread adoption of temperature scanners. Initially used as a primary screening tool to detect fever, one of...
Fever Screening Frequent Ask Questions (FAQ)
What is a thermal imaging camera? A thermal imaging camera is a device that creates an image using infrared radiation, similar to a common camera that forms an image using visible light. Instead of 400 –700 nm range of the visible light camera, infrared...
Why is a Black Body important in Fever Screening System?
First of all, what is a Black Body?
How temperature detection/screening or thermal scanner works?
The fever screening system is composed of an IR ( thermal) camera, CPU and AI fever detection software and a black body. IR camera is composed of two cameras, one is the IR camera, which is used for measuring the temperature; the...
Temperature Scanner is Seen Everywhere, But Which One is Practical and Cost-effective in Keeping People Safe?
Temperature scanner or thermal imaging cameras are the latest devices, many government agencies worldwide are recommending as one of the SOP to reopen the business and re-energize the economy while keeping people safe from the threat of COVID-19.
How to Buy Temperature Scanner | Guidelines
What do you need to know & what to expect
Workers of additional economic sectors must undergo Covid-19 screening
Source : TheStar Thursday, 16 Apr 2020
Temperature Scanner with Face Recognition
Temperature Scanner to Detect Fever